Friday, February 19, 2010

What did you think....

about Tiger Woods' speech. I thought it was eh..alright. Don't fully think it was sincere and seemed more like a presidential speech to me. He really showed no remorse or sincerity or even emotion (besides when he was getting visibly angry about the paparazzi chasing his wife....reason he needs anger management, I think so) I do think that it was good of him to publicly apologize since so many thousands of children look up to him as a role model. After all, he did not HAVE to go up on national television and say anything at all but he did. On the other hand, this man may have done it for pure attention, to get fans back and even for good ratings for his sponsors which all in all equals $$$! I guess we'll never know. I just hope his beautiful wife and 2 adorable children don't have to be sucked into this horrible tragedy even more than they already have.

If Elin stays with him, she is a very brave, confident strong woman...God knows she has more nerve than I do :)


Lisa said...

hey!! Yea...I watched and was kind of laughing at the whole thing. The whole speech seemed very forced and just plain weird! But here is my bigger point...I don't think its really "news worthy" at all. Yes, it totally sucks that he may have let down kids that look up to him, and it is totally sad what his family is going through...but news worthy...I think not! I mean the news/media is just making things worse and between the war we are still in and the economy and the health care that is trying to pass...Tiger rates very low on my interest level. Also I just feel that Tiger doesn't owe me anything...I mean the reality is this is his personal life and I would hate to have to go on camera and talk in detail about mine. My only thoughts are that lots of people...famous or not...have skeletons in their closets and although I think its disgusting and cruel what he did...he really owes me no explanation. hmmm...what else...I guess nothing. But his speech was interesting and for the record...Corey made me watch it...LOL!!

Lisa said...

I just realized this came off way more hardcore than I intended! I am up for the last gossip and I didn't mean to say that nobody should care about this. I just mean that people have personal lives and the media has made a total mockery of this and its kind of lame! But don't get me wrong...I am not above the lastest gossip story!