I am SO behind on my thankful days!!! Im just going to throw it all in one since tomorrow is already November 30th! My oh my where did this month go? I LOVE Christmas, its my absolute favorite holiday and time of year but I am not ready for it! I see people posting things like their all done shopping and all their presents are wrapped and under the tree...WHAT?! That's crazy! Guess I better get my butt in gear!
I am so thankful to have had my family come over for Thanksgiving dinner, my 1st one I ever hosted might I add :)
Also, for the yummy food, good company, holiday parties to come, xmas lights and decor. Love seeing my kids' eyes light up with it all! Dove Court, hot cocoa, Christmas movies and music, snow that we fortunately live close enough to go play in! Im thankful for it all!!! Lovin life these days!
Slow Start
1 week ago
А! Awesome post. È piaciuto molto leggere il tuo post sul blog.
كنت أعتقد جنبا إلى جنب مع شركة غازيليون النقدية المتعددة للاستثمار أن ويكيبيديا يمكن اكتساب بعض خوادم أكثر من ذلك بكثير.
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